Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis enables parents who are carriers of a serious and incurable genetic disease to conceive a child who is not affected by the disease. The technique consists of screening embryos conceived in vitro for a disease which could be transmitted by the parents and then selecting a healthy embryo to transfer to the mother’s uterus.
Only a team of professionals at a multidisciplinary centre for prenatal diagnosis is able to give access to the use of this diagnosis. The team confirms that, in view of family antecedents, a couple has a strong probability of giving birth to a child suffering from a genetic disease recognised as incurable at the point of diagnosis. The Assisted Reproductive Technology and diagnosis are then carried out in one of the four centres authorised for preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
On behalf of the Government, the Agence de la biomédecine has the capacity to authorise activities and have its inspectorate carry out controls of the activities of multidisciplinary centres for prenatal diagnosis and preimplantation genetic diagnosis centres.
The Agence also issues authorisations for preimplantation genetic diagnosis relating to HLA typing.